Through Workplace Chaplaincy FWW is in touch with many hundreds of businesses, public sector organisations and people at work. These include shops, offices, supermarkets, charities, factories, service sector organisations, professional services and emergency services including West Mercia Police and Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service. We also work closely with the Chaplaincy for Agriculture & Rural Life, (CARL) at Worcester Livestock Market.
We seek to get to know those at work, offering care and concern to those at work. This is unconditional, with no strings attached and offered to all. At the core of this is workplace chaplaincy. We train volunteers who visit regularly – but not too frequently – to provide a listening ear.
Having someone outside the immediate community of the workplace who is prepared to listen – confidentially – can be a tremendous support to workers and managers. Conversations can be about anything – it’s up to you.
Faith comes into it because that is what motivates us, the volunteer chaplains and the churches they are part of, to take an interest in the world, and share God’s love. We care because we believe God cares for all people and communities and that we should work together for the common good.

The role of the workplace chaplain is to reflect God’s love and concern in places of employment and commerce and come alongside people as they go about the joys and frustrations of daily working life. A chaplain’s role is to get outside the church and meet people where they are, in the midst of life – and there is no more vital context for such an encounter as where people work.
Chaplains commit to regularly visiting a particular workplace, once every 3 to 4 weeks. Or they might visit small businesses in a particular location, such as a shopping centre, high street or business park. There are also chaplain supporters who provide prayer support. From experience it has been found that chaplaincy works best when chaplains are working alongside other chaplains as part of a local team. This provides support and encouragement for chaplains and helps with the organisation of training. Teams are usually drawn from different local churches of different denominations. Chaplaincy is ecumenism in action.
How can a workplace chaplain help my organisation?
- Increased productivity
- Reduced absenteeism
- Positive relationships
- Good retention of staff
- Smooth running of business
- Part of welfare and concern for staff
Please contact us to find out more about about finding a workplace chaplain to support your organisation.