Welcome to the FWW Prayer Guide for May. A PDF copy, for printing, is available here. We hope it will be useful for personal prayer, but also for those who lead intercessions in services. Do pass it on to those in your church who would be interested.  Any feedback from use of the Guide would be most welcome. We also use the Guide at our quarterly online prayer meeting. The next such meeting will be on July 8th from 1.00 – 1.30 p.m. For the Zoom link for that, and any feedback, please email Dick Johnson.

On May 22nd FWW will be holding the latest in our regular series of workplace visits – on this occasion to the Wyre Forest Fire Station. The aim of these visits is to find out more about a particular sector of the economy – this time the public sector –  and, as we do, bring together chaplains, supporters and others to consider the issues and the Church’s response in ministry and mission. So, this month, the theme of our prayers is the public sector.

In recent years funding for schools, local councils, emergency services, and health and social services has come under immense pressure. Recruitment is difficult; councils have been declared insolvent; and, across the board, more is expected from less. This, inevitably, has an impact on those who work in this sector, and also on those they serve. We pray for all who work as public servants, and a deeper commitment to serving the common good in the way we fund and shape those institutions at the heart of our society.

Almighty God, whose Son Jesus Christ came as a servant, seeking life for all,
bless all whose work serves the common good in public services,
helping others in trouble, the sick, the young and the most vulnerable.
Grant wisdom to those in leadership in our national institutions and local organisations;
fulfilment, and just reward, for all who work as public servants;
and a common vision to build a society where all are valued and cared for.
We pray in the name of him who enlightens everyone,
Jesus Christ, saviour of the world.

Especially we pray for:

  • Council workers and public servants in your area, especially in those situations where changes are having to be made as a result of funding shortages.
  • Elected representatives at different levels in our democracy, local, regional and national, for wisdom, compassion and good decisions.
  • Chaplains in local government, with emergency services, prisons, the NHS and schools.
  • FWW workplace chaplains, in their ministry of presence and listening, that they may be beacons of hope, and sharers of God’s life and love with those they meet.
  • The FWW Workplace Event at Wyre Forest Fire Station on May 22nd, and all who work in Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service.
  • New opportunities for chaplaincy in workplaces and sectors of the economy where there are no FWW chaplains as yet.
  • For volunteers to help with the running of FWW, supporting the ministry of workplace chaplaincy.
  • In our cycle of prayer for chaplains and trustees, this month we pray for:
    • Chaplains: In Kidderminster – Barbara Pugh and Albert Wilkinson (Town Centre), Fr Tim Williams (Kidderminster Police Station).
    • Trustees/Staff: Officers & Standing Committee: Chris Harvey (Chair), Mary Austin (Vice-Chair), Stuart Sandys (Secretary), Anthony Glossop (Treasurer) and Dick Johnson.

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