Prayer for the Economy:

The news is full of the COP26 conference which began on October 31st and ends on November 12th. At the heart of the debate about how to mitigate climate change and its impact on people around the world is how we run our economy. Can we modify the way we live, reducing our impact on the environment, and at the same time maintain our standard of living?  The phrase, ‘Live simply, that others may simply live’, attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, comes to mind.

Our prayers therefore continue to focus on the global issue of climate change and its link to the economy.

Almighty God, you have formed us in your image, and in your Son Jesus call us to a new way of living and loving others. Help us to reform the global economy so that our climate and planet are protected, change in the climate reduced and those most vulnerable from such change safeguarded.

Inspire those meeting in Glasgow to listen, to understand, to act.

And inspire each person, in our individual choices, to live sustainably for the sake of others. Forgive us for how we have acted selfishly, exploiting and squandering your good creation. And lead us from death to life, darkness to light, despair to hope.

Through Jesus Christ, the saviour of the world.


Especially we pray for:

  • World leaders gathering in Glasgow, as they seek agreement in greening the global economy and so address the climate emergency.
  • All of us as consumers as we make our own decisions in how we act locally and contribute to reducing our environmental impact.
  • Those most acutely impacted by the changing climate, especially the poorest.
  • The continued activity of FWW chaplains visiting workplaces.
  • New opportunities for chaplaincy in places and sectors of the economy where there are no FWW chaplains as yet, and for new chaplains to volunteer.
  • Give thanks for the Redeeming Our Communities (ROC) Worcester conference on October 18th, attended by more than 200 people from across the city, including from churches, businesses, charities, emergency services and local government and pray for the next stage of the conversation actions are agreed together for the common good.
  • The training course for new chaplains being co-led by Dick, which concludes on November 9th.

One thought on “November 2021 Prayers

  1. Thanks for the lovely prayers. There is a dilemma as Chaplains to mainly retail outlets. On one hand we want our shops to do well at a tough time when competing with the internet. To do well they need to sell more. Yet to keep the earth habitable we all need to use fewer resources including buying less stuff.
    Is there any forum to discuss such dilemmas. They are not going away.

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