At the beginning of September we will know who the next Prime Minister is, and the debate about how to manage the anticipated energy crisis, amongst other things, will become one of policy rather than speculation. Energy costs impact households, and also business, who don’t receive the benefit of the domestic energy price cap. One small business, with 17 employees, producing craft glassware, was recently quoted as expecting an estimated increase in annual energy costs from £14,000 to £130,000 as a result. All business, even those with lower energy needs than glassmakers, will be affected.

Our prayers this month focus on this aspect of the cost-of-living crisis, and on our ability to reach out to those in our economy.

Heavenly Father, in your goodness you provide for all your children, according to their needs; hear our prayers for those who struggle to make ends meet in these times of inflation, and all who are anxious, anticipating bills they cannot pay.

As you, in Christ, show such generosity to us, so give us grace to be generous to those in need. We pray for businesses at risk due to the energy crisis, and managers and workers as they navigate these uncertain times and face the reality of losing jobs.  Help us all to share, that none would have too much, whilst others go without.

In the name of Jesus in whom we know your judgement, compassion, love and mercy.


Especially we pray for:

  • Business owners and managers considering how to meet the energy crisis.
  • For workers in businesses at risk of redundancy because of the crisis and recession.
  • Businesses to adapt to prevent the worst impacts of climate change, and for victims of weather related disaster around the world, especially at this time the millions impacted by floods in Pakistan.
  • Peace in Ukraine, and between nations caught up in economic conflict.
  • For FWW staff, Dick and Alison, as we make plans and prepare for the Chamber of Commerce Expo in October at the Three Counties Showground, seeking new links with businesses across Worcester in order to offer chaplaincy.
  • For new people from churches to volunteer and train as chaplains.
  • For our quarterly meeting of Trustees (September 22nd)
  • FWW Chaplains:   In our cycle of prayer this month we pray for chaplains who visit the Worcester Livestock Market – Brenda Williams, Tim Richards, Sue Adeney
  • FWW Trustees:  This month for representatives of the Anglican Diocese of Worcester – Anthony Glossop and Martin Allen.

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